
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC recommendations about immediate measures for eastern Baltic cod

Sent date:25/06/19 | Reply date:N/A

Reply from BSAC to BALTFISH about exemption of plaice from landing obligation

Sent date:21/6/19 | Reply date:25/6/19

Letter from BALTFISH to the BSAC
Letter from the BSAC chair and vice chair to BALTFISH about draft Joint Recommendation from BALTFISH to exempt plaice from the landing obligation *
Correspondence from BSAC ExCom chair to BALTFISH and BSAC ExCom
The replies from individual ExCom members are available from the BSAC Secretariat
*Explanatory footnote to the BSAC reply letter to BALTFISH:
The statement in the letter about the opinion of the fisheries representatives who supported the BALTFISH proposal was based on one written input, plus verbal input. The verbal input was later confirmed by two fisheries representatives, after dialogue with the BSAC secretariat.
Letter from DG Mare regarding the situation of eastern cod

Sent date:22/3/19 | Reply date:27/2/19

BSAC reply to Commission consultation on the Baltic multiannual management plan

Sent date:03/07/2019 | Reply date:

The letter to the Commission from the BSAC chair and vice chair
The reply from the BSAC 
Individual replies sent from members to the BSAC are available from the BSA
BSAC responding to the Commission consultation on the evaluation of the eel regulation

Sent date:4/3/19 | Reply date:1/4/19

The Commission launched a consultation which takes the form of an online consultation with very specific questions. As it is not possible for the BSAC to respond in this format, a letter has been sent to DG Mare and reference to earlier recommendations from the BSAC from 2017 and 2018.
The letter sent to Director General DG Mare 4/3/19
Recommendations from 2017
Recommendations from 2018
Reply from DG Mare Director General 1/4/19
The outcome of the BSAC Theme meeting on eastern Baltic cod

Sent date:4/3/2019 | Reply date:26/3/19

Letter from BALTFISH about the draft joint recommendation (T90 cod end )

Sent date:1/2/2019 | Reply date:18/1/19

BALTFISH sent a letter (on the 18/1/19)to the BSAC with a consultation on the joint recommendation on T90, BSAC replied to BALTFISH on 1/2/19.
01/02/19 190118 Letter from BALTFISH Chair consultation BSAC draft JR T90 (FINAL) BSACChairReplyBALTFISHT90corr010219
BSAC letter with comments on the decisions taken at the October Council.

Sent date:12/12/2018 | Reply date:12/02/19; 6/3/19

Letter sent to DG Mare and BALTFISH with questions and comments from the BSAC about some of the stock decisions taken at the October Council 2018
Reply from DG Mare
Reply from Swedish Presidency of BALTFISH
BSAC outputs on seals

Sent date:15/10/2018 | Reply date:Various

Letter from the BSAC to BALTFISH Presidency about BACOMA and T90

Sent date:1/10/2018 | Reply date:

A letter sent to the Swedish BALTFISH Presidency in response to a request for comments to a proposed Delegated Act/Joint  Recommendation for modifying the T90/BACOMA codends in the Baltic.
01/10/18 BSACreply2018_2019_15toSWT90BACOMA Letter to the Baltic Sea Advisory Council
BSAC replies to Commission letter and questions on the measures to take in 2018 in order to promote the recovery of eel

Sent date:24/9/2018 | Reply date:

BSAC letter to MEP Gabriel Mato about technical measures

Sent date:30/8/2018 | Reply date:No reply


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