
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC letter on how to improve the functioning of the ACs

Sent date:28/05/2021 | Reply date:

The ACs were asked to provide input to proposals from DG Mare to improve functioning of the ACs – on two things in particular: allocation of members within the ACs and a template for providing AC advice
The BSAC ExCom Chair has written to DG Mare to send input from members   Click
BSAC letter to DG Environment about EU Biodiversity Strategy

Sent date:23/04/2021 | Reply date:21/06/2021

The BSAC ExCom Chair on behalf of the BSAC wrote to DG Environment about the activities of the Marine Expert Group and its work on the criteria and guidance for protected area designations Click
Reply from DG ENV Click 
BSAC letter to DG Mare about post-Brexit

Sent date:23/04/2021 | Reply date:22/06/2021

Letter from the BSAC ExCom Chair on behalf of the BSAC about post-Brexit: stakeholder engagement and the potential impact of Brexit on the Baltic Click 
DG Mare replied to the letter from the BSAC Click
Eight other ACs sent a letter which the BSAC refers to Click 
BSAC reply to the Commission questionnaire on the functioning of the EU’s Technical Measures Framework Regulation.

Sent date:15/02/2021 | Reply date:N/A

The Commission has to report on the functioning of the EU’s Technical Measures Framework Regulation
It wrote to all Advisory Councils and sent a questionnaire 
The BSAC ExCom chair has sent a letter
And the BSAC has replied to the questionnaire
Three members sent separate input:
Swedish Pelagic Federation PO,
Association of Fisheries Protection,
National Chamber of Fish ProducersNo reply has been received from the Commission
15/02/21 BSAChairLetterDGMareTechnicalMeasures150221 BSACTechnicalMeasuresReplyFINAL15022021
BSAC recommendation on a trial fishery for stickleback in the Baltic

Sent date:01/02/2021 | Reply date:12/02/2021

The BSAC ExCom chair sent a letter to DG Mare and Baltic Member States with a recommendation from the BSAC to initiate a trial fishery for stickleback in the Baltic
The letter 
The recommendation 
Reply from DG Mare 
BSAC letter on how to improve the functioning of the ACs

Sent date:11/12/2020 | Reply date:01/02/2021

The ACs were invited to send to the Commission suggestions on now to improve the functioning of the ACs
Letter from the BSAC
Letter of appreciation from DG Mare Director General to all the ACs
(an Inter-ACs meeting was held with the Commission on 18th January 2021 to present and dicuss this)
BSAC recommendations concerning mitigation measures for harbour porpoise

Sent date:5/10/2020 | Reply date:N/A

This is the letter from the BSAC ExCom chair to BALTFISH and to DG Mare 
Here are the recommendations 
The BSAC did not receive a reply to this
Here’s the BALTFISH Joint Recommendation (sent to Commission December 2020)  Click 
05/10/20 BSACrecommendation harbourporpoiseFINAL20_21_22
Letter to BSAC from DG Mare about harbour porpoise

Sent date:26/9/2020 | Reply date:N/A

Letters to BALTFISH about closed areas

Sent date:14/09/2020 | Reply date:N/A

The BSAC wrote to BALTFISH and sent a compilation of input from fisheries, recreational fishers, and anglers about experience with and recommendations on closed areas in the Baltic
The letter is here
The compilation is here
(Note: it was updated 17/09/2020 to include controbution from Danish Recreational Fishermen
The BSAC followed up with a second letter on 18/09/2020 to clarify that it was a compilation, not a recommendation, and to attach a compilation of BSAC recommendations for the fishery for 2021, as well as to attach a contribution from the Sweden Pelagic Federation PO on the use of technical measures in fishing sprat and herring
The second letter is here
The compilation of BSAC recommendations is here
The SPFPO contribution is here
BSAC reply to Commission Communication on fishing opportunities 2021

Sent date:18/08/2020 | Reply date:N/A

The reply from the BSAC, prefaced by the ExCom chair, is here
Note: one correction was made on 190820, see new footnote 7 on page 7
Multi-AC advice on Single Use Plastics Directive and on Fishing for Litter

Sent date:15/7/2020 | Reply date:15/9/2020

Letter from the ACs here 
The advice is hereA reply from DG Mare to the multi-AC advice is here The BSAC chair later sent a letter to DG Mare commenting on the Commission draft implementing decision concerning the circular design of fishing gear  – this was sent on 21st July 2020.
The letter is here
Attached comments are here
BSAC recommendations for the Baltic fisheries 2021

Sent date:29/06/2020 | Reply date:31/08/2020

Letter from the BSAC ExCom chair to DG Mare
BSAC recommendations CORR 190820
Attached to the recommendations are contributions from:

Reply from DG Mare 
And here’s the compilation of the BSAC positions to the Commission’s proposal for fishing opportunities in the Baltic (for the BSAC chair to use at BALTFISH Forum 7th September 2020)


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