
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC reply to the Commission Consultation on Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Sent date:04/10/2021 | Reply date:

The Commission is running a consultation on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive which it has to evaluate
The BSAC has sent a reply Click 
Information on the online public consultation on the review of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. This initiative will review the achievements and shortcomings of this Directive, explore options for improvement and propose possible amendments.
BSAC recommendations for fisheries: western Baltic cod and salmon

Sent date:01/10/2021 | Reply date:19/10/2021

The letter from the BSAC ExCom Chair Click 
The recommendations on these stocks Click  Click 
DE, DK, SW position cod Click 

DE, DK, SW position salmon Click 
Reply from DG Mare Click 
BSAC letter to BALTFISH about technical measures for Baltic demersal trawl fishery

Sent date:27/09/2021 | Reply date:

BALTFISH has consulted the BSAC about selective gears for the flatfish fishery in order to avoid by-catch of cod
The BSAC has replied to the BALTFISH draft Joint Recommendation
BSAC statement on eel

Sent date:09/12/21 | Reply date:17/12/21

The BSAC has produced a statement presenting views and advice on factors that hamper eel recovery and require immediate attention
Letter from the ExCom Chair  Click
The BSAC statement Click
Commission reply Click Letter from DG Mare to all ACs on eel  – how best  to implement the ICES advice Click 
This came after the BSAC sent its letterBSAC ExCom Chair letter to BALTFISH about eel (and other things) Click 

BSAC comments on the Commission’s proposal to amend Regulation on Advisory Councils

Sent date:24/08/2021 | Reply date:14/09/2021

The Commission has had dicussions with the Advisory Councils on how to improve the way they function The Commission has proposed amendments to its Delegated Regulation on the functioning of the Advisory Councils and invited comments
The BSAC has sent input    Click 
The Commission has replied Click 
BSAC reply to Commission consultation on fishing opportunities

Sent date:24/08/2021 | Reply date:

The Commission’s consultation on fishing opportunities for 2022 is open to comments
The BSAC sent a reply    Click The Commission’s consultation site is here:
BSAC letter on advice for sprat

Sent date:19/08/2021 | Reply date:08/09/2021

The BSAC Chair wrote to follow up it the recommendations for the Baltic fisheries for 2022 with information on sprat
Scientific papers referred to can be got from BSAC Secretariat
Commission reply Click 
Baltfish Presidency draft supplementing Joint Recommendation on the mitigation measures to prevent bycatch of Baltic Proper harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea fisheries

Sent date:12/07/2021 | Reply date:

The BALTFISH Presidency consultedthe BSAC on a draft supplementing Joint Recommendation 2 on harbour porpoise mitigation/protection measures.
The BSAC reply is here
Please contact Secretariat for the individual responses
BSAC reply to study on regionalisation

Sent date:12/07/2021 | Reply date:n/a

The Commission has commissioned a study on regionalisation of the CFP
it’s being done by Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food/ Wageningen Marine Research and MRAG
The BSAC Managment Team sent an answer (the BSAC ExCom has seen it and accepted it)
Letter Click 
Answer Click 
All BSAC members were encouraged to take part individually in the study
BSAC recommendations for the fisheries 2022

Sent date:01/07/2021 | Reply date:15/07/2021

Letter from the ExCom Chair to DG Mare Click
BSAC recommendations Click
REV version 5.7.21 Click 
Reply from DG Mare Click 
BSAC letter about control of sulphur dioxide emissions from vessels

Sent date:17/06/2021 | Reply date:28/07/2021

This came up during the ExCom meeting with the Control Agency
The letter from the BSAC Click 
The reply from DG Mare Click 
BSAC letter on how to improve the functioning of the ACs

Sent date:28/05/2021 | Reply date:

The ACs were asked to provide input to proposals from DG Mare to improve functioning of the ACs – on two things in particular: allocation of members within the ACs and a template for providing AC advice
The BSAC ExCom Chair has written to DG Mare to send input from members   Click

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