
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC recommendation on BALTFISH Presidency Work Plan

Sent date:18/11/2022 | Reply date:

BSAC recommendations on western Baltic herring

Sent date:28/10/2022 | Reply date:18/11/2022

BSAC recommendation on western Baltic Herring, in response to the Commission invitation to provide further explanations.

It has been proposed and drafted by the Pelagic WG and approved by writing by the BSAC Executive Committee.


Reply from the Commission

28/10/22 BSAC letter COM reply
BSAC letter to BALTFISH on derogation from landing obligation for salmon draft Joint Recommendation

Sent date:27/10/2022 | Reply date:

BSAC was consulted by BALTFISH to provide comments on the draft Joint Recommendation regarding a derogation from the landing obligation in the Baltic Sea establishing a discard plan as regards salmon in the Baltic Sea (ICES Subdivisions 22-32).

The BSAC sent a letter
The BSAC attached input received from 9 members organisations

BSAC response to COM “Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play & orientations 2023”

Sent date:31/08/2022 | Reply date:

Commission’s consultation on the Communication to the European Parliament and the Council
“Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2023”.- Communication: COM(2022) 253 final
– Accompanying document: SWD(2022) 157 final

 BSAC response to the communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: “Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2023”

BSAC recommendations for the fisheries 2023

Sent date:13/07/2022 | Reply date:20/07/2022

BSAC recommendations on management measures for eel

Sent date:05/05/2022 | Reply date:

The European Commission is seeking the advice of the BSAC members on how best to implement the ICES advice for eel

The BSAC letter and advice are here Click 

BALTFISH draft Joint Recommendation on derogation of plaice from the landing obligation

Sent date:25/04/2022 | Reply date:

BALTFISH consulted the BSAC on its draft Joint Recommendation  derogating plaice from the Landing Obligation in the Baltic Sea
The BSAC sent a letter Click 
The BSAC attached input from DFPO, CCB and Fisheries Secretariat Click 
The BSAC attached a reply from LIFE Click 
The BSAC attached a reply from Assocation of Fisheries Protection Click 
Technical measures and the draft Implementing Act to Regulation 2019/1241

Sent date:25/03/2022 | Reply date:22/07/2022

Statement from the Baltic Sea Advisory Council
The BSAC ExCom Chair, Demersal WG Chair and Pelagic WG Chair wrote to the Commission about the Technical measures and in particular the draft Implementing Act to Technical Measures Regulation 2019/1241. The request from the BSAC is to be consulted and to be able to provide input.
Letter Click 
Technical note Click Answer from the Commission

BSAC white paper on CFP

Sent date:28/02/2022 | Reply date:

Implementation and revision of the CFP with a Baltic perspective
BSAC white paper to the Commission
The BSAC committed to produce a communication to the Commission on the implementation and revision of the CFP with a Baltic perspective.  This commitment was made in relation to the Commission’s task to report on the functioning of the CFP by the end of 2022, with focus on the implementation of the policy agreed with the CFP reform in 2013.
Click White Paper for web Click The ExCom Chair also wrote to MEP Gabriel Mato to inform about this Click The newly elected (11.5.22) ExCom Chair Jarek Zieliński sent a letter and copy of the White Paper to the Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius and to Director General Charlina Vitcheva  (click on the names)

BSAC reply to Commission consultation on Action Plan

Sent date:15/12/2021 | Reply date:

This is a consultation by the Commission on its Action PLan to conserve fisheris and protect marine ecosystems
BSAC reply here Click
BSAC reply to Germany on fisheries measures in Natura 2000 sites

Sent date:12/11/21 | Reply date:11/01/2022

This is the letter from the BSAC to the German authorities  Click 
Inputs to the reply are available from BSAC Secretariat
The reply from Germany is here Click 
BSAC invite to HELCOM and BALTFISH about the updated BSAP

Sent date:29/11/2021 | Reply date:

The BSAC has taken the initiative to invite HELCOM and BALTFISH to an information meeting to present those actions in the updated Baltic Sea Action PLan that are relevant to fisheries and fisheries management
Date to be agreed for January 2022
Letter from the BSAC 
Information note to the HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting in December 
Latest letter from BSAC ExCom Chair about the BSAP, about eel and about the ExCom meeting 17.1.22 

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