
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC advice on the Baltic fishery for 2013

Sent date:29062012 | Reply date:None

BSAC advice on the fishery 

Deals with four things:

tacs and quotas

multi-species management

Commission’s communication on fishing opportunities

Commission’s cod alignment proposal

 No rpely received from Commission that year

letter from the BSAC inviting to a high level meeting to discuss regionalisation in the Baltic area

Sent date:05032012 | Reply date:22032012

BSAC recommendations on long term management of Baltic salmon stocks

Sent date:08022012 | Reply date:22042012

BSAC statements on discards and multispecies, multiannual management

Sent date:31102012 | Reply date:21032013

This document is the output from a Joint (Demersal and Pelagic) WG held on 20th September 2012

Letter and statements

Reply from the Commission 

BSAC letter to DG MARE on unreported or misreported catches in the Salmon fishery in the Baltic

Sent date:151111 | Reply date:061212

Letter to DG Mare on effort in the TAC/quota proposal

Sent date:270911 | Reply date:221211

Letter to DG Mare on effort in the TAC/quota proposal

Sent date:270911 | Reply date:221211


Reply from DGMare


BSAC comments to Commission draft on discards

Sent date:280111 | Reply date:110211

BSAC letter to DG Mare

BSAC comments

 Reply from DG Mare


BSAC Recommendations for the fishery in 2012

Sent date:120711 | Reply date:200711

Letter and reply to the Commission consultation on maritime spatial planning

Sent date:100611 | Reply date:

Cover letter

Reply to the Commission


Letter to DG Mare on trade measures consultation

Sent date:16052011 | Reply date:27062011

Letter to Member States on Selectivity

Sent date:040511 | Reply date:


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