
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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Letter to ICES about the rationale behind the 2014 advice for Baltic cod

Sent date:25062014 | Reply date:29072014

Letter here

Reply to the BSAC here


BSAC comments to the Commission’s Omnibus proposal

Sent date:23052014 | Reply date:18072014


Reply from Commission


BSAC reply to draft final discards plan from BALTFISH

Sent date:22-05-2014 | Reply date:N/A

BSAC response to the Commission’s consultation document on a new framework for technical measures in the CFP

Sent date:19052014 | Reply date:N/A

Response from the BSRAC to the BALTFISH discards plan

Sent date:17032014 | Reply date:

Letter on BSAC participation in BALTFISH

Sent date:29112013 | Reply date:14-12-2013

Letter from the BSAC 

Reply from chair of BALTFISH

Letter from the BSAC chair to Lowri Evans on landing obligations

Sent date:05-11-2013 | Reply date:

Letter from Lowri

Reply from BSAC chair


BSAC letter on the Future use of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

Sent date:17102013 | Reply date:

BSAC advice for the Baltic fishery for 2014

Sent date:08072013 | Reply date:29072013

BSAC advice for the Baltic fishery for 2014

Sent date:08072013 | Reply date:29072013

Letter from Maria Damanaki on small scale fisheries

Sent date: | Reply date:

Letter here

No reply has been sent from the BSAC


BSAC input to the Commission’s Consultation on the future role and composition of Advisory Councils

Sent date:06112012 | Reply date:


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