
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC contribution to the Commission Consultation on Fishing Opportunities

Sent date:06/09/2017 | Reply date:N/A

BSAC reply to the Commission’s Consulation on Fishing Opportunities 2017
The Commission’s Consultation was open from 6th July to 15th September 2017
No reply expected, as this was part of the Commission’s annual consultation on fishing opportunities
BSAC proposals for possible ways forward to improve the situation of European eel

Sent date:1/9/2017 | Reply date:None

BSAC recommendations on technical measures for the demersal fishery

Sent date:7/7/2017 | Reply date:None

BSAC recommendations for the fishery 2018

Sent date:7/7/2017 | Reply date:No reply

Letter from the BSAC chair to DG Mare
BSAC recommendations (with small correction 30th August 2017)
No reply expected, as the input is part of the consultation process conducted by the Commission on fishing opportunities
BSAC letter on transparency of BALTFISH activities

Sent date:4/7/2017 | Reply date:No reply

Letter from the BSAC chair to the Danish BALFISH presidency about the transparency of BALTFISH activities
No reply sent from BALTFISH to this letter
04/07/17 BSAC letter on transparency of BALTFISH activities
BSAC comments to EMFF Delegated Regulation (consultation)

Sent date:18/4/17 | Reply date:N/A

The BSAC was invited to comment to the Proposal for a Delegated Regulation on amending Regulation (EU) 508/2014 as regards the indicative distribution of funds among the objectives set out in Articles 82 and 85.

Letter to DG Mare

No reply expected to this letter

BSAC recommendations on technical measures

Sent date:13/2/2017 | Reply date:

BSAC recommendations for the fishery in the Baltic Sea in 2017

Sent date:140716 | Reply date:170716

Letter to DG Mare

BSAC recommendations for the fishery in the Baltic Sea in 2017

DG Mare confirmed receipt and informed that as in 2015, it considered the BSAC contribution a response to the Commission public consultation on fishing opportunities and for that reason did not send a specific reply to the recommendations.

Report from the BSAC on the implementation of the Landing Obligation

Sent date:010216 | Reply date:

Letter from BSAC about cod cosure in SD 24

Sent date:27-11-2015 | Reply date:16-12-2015

Letter here

Reply from DG Mare here


Letter from PELAC and BSAC to discuss control

Sent date:27-10-2015 | Reply date:

The letter is here – sent to fisheries directors of the relevant regional groups
BSAC recommendations on technical measures

Sent date:29-09-2015 | Reply date:16-12-2015


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