
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC contribution to Commission Consultation on Fishing Opportunities 2019

Sent date:20/08/2018 | Reply date:N/A

Stakeholders are invited by the Commission to comment on its annual policy paper on Fishing Opportunities for the year to come

Commission consultation document


BSAC reply

BSAC recommendations for the fishery in 2019

Sent date:4/7/2018 | Reply date:

Background from German processing company concerning western Baltic herring (socio-economic consequences)
Background from Danish processing company Fiskernes Filefabrik A/S on socio-economic consequences of zero TAC for western Baltic herring  

Table with Commission proposal and BSAC proposals compared to ICES advice

04/07/18 BSACRecommendationsTACs2019FINALtoDGMare SecrletterDGMare040718
BSAC replies to the Commission’s letter and questions about the SCIP

Sent date:02/072018 | Reply date:

SCIPs means specific control and inspection programmes

02/07/18 BSACreplyto SCIPs28062018FINALREV1 BSAClettertoCOMonSCIP
BSAC replies to questions from DG Mare on choke species

Sent date:2/7/2018 | Reply date:

The BSAC proposes an amendment to the Regulation (EC) 1007/2009 on trade in seal products

Sent date:28/6/18 | Reply date:31/7/18

Input from the BSAC regarding the roadmap for eel consultation

Sent date:15/5/18 | Reply date:

Letters about the T90 codend in cod trawls

Sent date:24/4/2018 | Reply date:28/5/2018

BSAC proposes amendment to Commission Regulation on T90

Sent date:8/3/2018 | Reply date:10/4/18

BSAC support for Commission proposal for amendment to the Baltic multiannual plan

Sent date:15-1-2018 | Reply date:8-2-2018

The BSAC wrote to support the Commission’s proposal with repsect to herring in the Gulf of Bothnia and Bay of Bothnia
Letter from BSAC to DG Mare
Reply from DG Mare
BSAC chair letter to DG Mare on EU Russia

Sent date:08/12/2017 | Reply date:13/02/2018

Repeat call for reduction in mesh size

Sent date:8/12/2017 | Reply date:5/02/2018

BSAC recommendations on Baltic salmon multiannual plan

Sent date:11/9/2017 | Reply date:None

The BSAC has not received a reply, but is aware of the fact that its input has been considered by BALTFISH in its further work with a salmon plan and it will be forwarded to the BSAC for comments.

11/09/17 BSACRecommendationsMAMPSalmontodraft290917 RJtoDKFINandBALTFISH_salmon

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