
Past Meetings

Click on the meeting to access meeting information and available meeting documents. In order to find meetings that have been archived, please select the year from the dropdown below.

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13 Mar

BSAC Working Group on Ecosystem Based Management

Copenhagen, Axelborg

29 Jan

BSAC Executive Committee meeting


28 Jan

BSAC working group to deal with control


6 Nov

BSAC Extraordinary General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings


4 Sep

BSAC Ecosystem Based Management Working Group


23 Aug

BSAC Joint Demersal + Pelagic WG


28 Jun

BSAC Executive Committee meeting

Danish Agriculture and Food Council Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, 1609 Copenhagen V

11 Jun

BSAC Joint working group meeting

Ministry of Environment Narva mnt 7a 15172 Tallinn

29 May

BSAC Focus Group to deal with Control (reply on the SCIP)

Web conference

22 May

ICES Workshop Methods for Stakeholder Involvement in Gear Development (hosted by BSAC)

Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, 6th floor, 1609 Copenhagen K

9 May

BSAC General Assembly meeting

Danish Agriculture and Food Council Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, 1609 Copenhagen V | Morning meeting only from 9.00 to 13.00

8 May

BSAC Executive Committee meeting

Danish Agriculture and Food Council Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, 1609 Copenhagen V

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