About the Baltic Sea AC
The Baltic Sea Advisory Council (BSAC) was initially established in 2006. This was kicked off by the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy of 2002 and furthered by the reform of 2013.
The main aim of the BSAC is to prepare and provide advice on the management of Baltic Sea fisheries in order to achieve a successful running of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy.
The BSAC consists of organisations representing the fisheries and other interest groups affected by the CFP (eg. environmental, organisations, and sports and recreational fisheries organisations).
With the creation of Advisory Councils, the European Union policymakers introduced and formalised stakeholder involvement in the policy making process at regional level. The BSAC members legally have to be consulted on a number of regulatory texts prepared by the European Commission and the Member States. In a truly bottom-up approach, the organisation can also advise on any other relevant policy that can be improved.
BSAC Annual Report, Work Programme, and Performance review
The BSAC produces every year an annual report of its work. You can download the BSAC Annual Report for 2023-2024. The previous annual reports can be requested by email to the secretariat.
Similarly, a work programme is prepared for the year. You can download the BSAC Work Programme for 2024-2025. The previous work programmes can be requested by email to the secretariat.
Every 5 years, the BSAC launches a performance review to evaluate its functioning. You can download the Evaluation of the BSAC that was published in January 2021.